Body Contouring Services and Products

L A S E R   L I P O

Laser lipo is non-surgical fat reduction and it can help smooth cellulite and shape your body. This treatment doesn’t contour the body, but is for overall fat reduction of an area. Pair it with an excellent diet and exercise routine for best results. 

C E L L U L I T E   T H E R A P Y

Cellulite therapy breaks down stubborn fat deposits, stimulates the lymphatic system, firms skin, and speeds up the metabolism. This procedure combines Vacuum Therapy, Wood Therapy and Radio Frequency to break apart fat and stimulate collagen production. This treatment is performed on one part of the body.

 C A V I T A T I O N

Non- surgical body contouring system that uses low frequency ultrasound waves to melt fat cells which results in permanent fat loss on treated areas for a slimmer appearance. The treatments also tighten skin and reduces cellulite. Great for the belly, arms, legs, thigh, chin, and back. 

R A D I O   F R E Q U E N C Y   S K I N   T I G H T E N I N G

Tightens and tones skin, boosts collagen, diminishes cellulite, lightens stretch marks. The treatment involves the use of energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. Did you know that collagen is the most common protein in your body?!

D E T O X   S A U N A   W R A P

Burn from 800-1600 in calories lower fat, aids in weight loss, speeds up metabolism, stimulates lymphatic system, improves blood circulation, relieves pain by expanding blood vessels, releases toxins, and increases energy!

The best 25-30 minutes of work out by doing nothing but laying there!!! 

N O N - I N V A S I V E   B U T T   L I F T 

A non-invasive butt lift will increase volume, reduce the appearance of cellulite, firm and tones the buttocks. This procedure uses vacuum therapy and radio frequency for a plump look. A minimum of 4 treatments is recommended, 8-12 sessions suggested for best results. 


Laser lipo is non-surgical fat reduction and it can help smooth cellulite and shape your body. This treatment doesn’t contour the body, but is for overall fat reduction of an area. Pair it with an excellent diet and exercise routine for best results. 


Cellulite therapy breaks down stubborn fat deposits, stimulates the lymphatic system, firms skin, and speeds up the metabolism. This procedure combines Vacuum Therapy, Wood Therapy and Radio Frequency to break apart fat and stimulate collagen production. This treatment is performed on one part of the body.


Non- surgical body contouring system that uses low frequency ultrasound waves to melt fat cells which results in permanent fat loss on treated areas for a slimmer appearance. The treatments also tighten skin and reduces cellulite. Great for the belly, arms, legs, thigh, chin, and back. 


Tightens and tones skin, boosts collagen, diminishes cellulite, lightens stretch marks. The treatment involves the use of energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. Did you know that collagen is the most common protein in your body?!


Burn from 800-1600 in calories lower fat, aids in weight loss, speeds up metabolism, stimulates lymphatic system, improves blood circulation, relieves pain by expanding blood vessels, releases toxins, and increases energy!

The best 25-30 minutes of work out by doing nothing but laying there!!! 


A non-invasive butt lift will increase volume, reduce the appearance of cellulite, firm and tones the buttocks. This procedure uses vacuum therapy and radio frequency for a plump look. A minimum of 4 treatments is recommended, 8-12 sessions suggested for best results. 








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